
Award for Independent Consultants 2022: Finalist 3 of 4: Shed Research

13 Oct 2022 | ICG Award, ICG News & Announcements

Systems-thinking storytelling: taking Futures Housing on a cultural journey to tell better stories to its Board

We helped Futures develop a new systems-thinking approach to its Board performance reporting. We took its stakeholders on a journey towards better storytelling, recognising the interdependencies of different departments on the overall customer experience, and working with Futures’ CEO to inspire this change.

“We’ve now got a clear golden thread running through from our strategic objectives to how we report our performance, a clear template that encourages a storytelling approach, and an agreed mandate to flex where we shift the spotlight each quarter so as to keep our leadership team fully informed.” (Mel Hughes, R&I Manager)

“The work that the team have done has finally allowed Board to see how the organisation is performing from a customer perspective. It has really helped to turn data into intelligence and allowed the Board to have a more holistic view of how we are performing.” (Nicola Hope, Director of Business Transformation)

Read more or watch a webinar all about this project here

Dan Young summarises this work


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