RECORDING: Taking it apart, putting it back together: A brief introduction to semiotics and cultural research

RECORDING: AURA’s Working Well Together Charter: What Is It And How Does It Impact Independent Consultancies?

RECORDING: International Research, Trends, Challenges and Opportunities: A ICG Expert Panel Discussion

RECORDING: Knowledge Share: What do they think about Cannabis: A deep dive into feelings and opinions of consumers from the Netherlands and newly legalized Thailand

Award 2023: Meet our Finalists: Kath Coles, Nick Bonney, Annabelle Philips for the Children’s Coaching Collaborative

RECORDING: Introduction to AMSR – a free resource for storytelling and bringing context to research and insights

I asked ChatGPT to write a poem for my son’s birthday. What does the result tell us about the potential impact of generative AI?

RECORDING OF Using Digital Ethnography and Journey Mapping to research omni-channel customer journeys

RECORDING: Your Digital Marketing Masterplan (with ICG member discount on all Louise’s training courses*)

Award for Independent Consultants 2021: Spotlight On Dan Parker-Smith and Roseann Smith, The Word Is Out

RECORDING: Using video insight to empower small agencies and freelancers. Tools, tips and tricks for effective and commercial research

Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Applying The Principles of Diversity and Inclusion To Our Market Research Work